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The She Warrior

„The She Warrior“ 2023

„The She Warrior“ is an interactive digital installation that utilizes cutting-edge technology and creative programming to create an experience. This installation employs HTML and JavaScript, supplemented by powerful libraries like GSAP for smooth animations and ML5 for advanced machine learning functionalities.

In this interactive world, „The She Warrior“ follows the movements of people captured by the camera. If a person moves to the right, the warrior does the same; if they move to the left, „The She Warrior“ follows as well. This harmonious and reactive movement creates a seamless interaction between the digital and the physical space.

A distinctive feature of this installation is the ability of „The She Warrior“ to replicate – the more people there are in the camera’s field of view, the more images of the warrior appear on the screen or projection surface. This multiplication creates a dynamic and lively environment where each participant contributes to the overall experience.

„The She Warrior“ is also an expression of the symbiosis between art and technology, reflecting the interactions between us and the digital world that surrounds us.

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